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International Save the Vaquita Day

International Save the Vaquita Day is an annual event to raise awareness about the critically endangered vaquita porpoise and the need to protect it from extinction. It is organized by a community of scientists, educators, conservationists, and concerned citizens from around the world.

Contact Mexico's Representatives

Andrés Manuel López Obrador

President of Mexico

Tell Mexico's President that his government's efforts to save the vaquita are not enough.

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María Luisa Albores

Secretary of SEMARNAT

Encourage Secretary Albores to strengthen SEMARNAT's efforts to protect the critically endangered vaquita.

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Esteban Moctezuma Barragán

Ambassador of Mexico to the United States

Ask Ambassador Barragán to communicate the urgency of the vaquita crisis to the Mexican government.

Carlos Manuel Joaquin Gonzalez

Ambassador of Mexico to Canada

Implore Ambassador Gonzalez to prioritize the vaquita crisis in communications with the Mexican government.

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Josefa González Blanco Ortiz Mena

Ambassador of Mexico to the United Kingdom

Encourage Ambassador Ortiz Mena to champion stronger domestic and international measures for vaquita conservation.

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